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Category: <span>The Body</span>

Emotional Wellbeing

New Year’s resolutions that make you thrive

Let’s face it, 2020 was weird, eccentric, and stretched our minds sometimes a bit too much. With borders closed, our personal life and the way we do business got an involuntary makeover. The challenges of 2020 are likely to stay around. To succeed in your business you absolutely must be at your physical and mental best.

Read more “New Year’s resolutions that make you thrive”
Emotional Wellbeing

How essential oils can positively impact our wellbeing

Essential oils are known to have a positive impact on our emotional and physical well-being. In order to benefit from the oils in a safe manner, it is crucial to know how to use them correctly. In my practice, I regularly see damages on the skin as the oils are either applied undiluted on the skin, in the wrong dose (usually not diluted enough) or the wrong oils are applied on an already damaged skin.

Read more “How essential oils can positively impact our wellbeing”
Emotional Wellbeing

A Woman’s Emotional Roots

Have you ever wondered what made you the person you are today or what influence your family’s story had on your life story? Our view on the world as grown-ups is not just defined by what we experienced as children or young adults, but also what happened before we were even born.

It matters what happened to our mothers while they were pregnant with us, how they perceived their pregnancy, and what emotions they felt. If a traumatised body experiences the sensation of feeling calm and safe, the body can find again its balance and deep healing can occur.

Read more “A Woman’s Emotional Roots”

panakaya naturophaty Emotional Wellbeing

More Success At Work Through Processing Your Emotional Past

Trying to “manage” emotions is difficult for most of us. Why? Because emotions want to be felt and processed, not ignored. At work our emotions get triggered when our buttons are pushed. If we try to control or manage them, they easily turn into a toxic “something” that  develops a life by its own.  Emotions want to be looked at. They want to be felt – even though they are unpleasant! Here some background information about what is going on and why some people or situations might trigger you.

Read more “More Success At Work Through Processing Your Emotional Past”
panakaya naturophaty The Body

Natural Ways To Beautiful Skin

Skin problems are one of the health problems that have the potential to hurt really, really deep in the heart. If the skin is visibly inflamed we tend to feel ugly and not lovable. Our society and we ourselves often define beauty over the look of our skin. Being able to leave the house without a layer of make-up has been a dream for me since my early teenage years. It took me about 2 decades of suffering, trial and error and until I finally understood what are the real reasons for unhealthy, inflamed skin. 

Read more “Natural Ways To Beautiful Skin”