
Organic Pine Needle Tea (Bundle)


📣 Promo Alert. Get 2 packs of Organic Pine Needle Tea for only $76 (Original price $90)!
Organic and collected on an island in the Mediterranean in pristine places far away from any pollution.
The medicinal properties of the Aleppo Pine have been described since ancient times by Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Maimonides to treat nasal discharge; stroke; lethargy; depression; pleurisy; hemorrhages (interior); external wounds (as an haemostatic agent); respiratory tract diseases (catarrh and common cold); tooth problems (toothaches) and wounds; diabetes prevention and treatment and also as an aphrodisiac agent.
Therapeutic Use of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.). Gabriel Schiller. 2014.

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The Panakaya Pine Needle Tea is collected in pristine locations on a beautiful island in the Mediterranean known for its natural beauty and high frequency. We only collect pine needles far away from any roads, civilization or pollution. Overlooking turquoise waters, the pine trees are exposed to the energy of the sun, the sea and the wind…
Directions (Pine Needle Tea):
Use a few needles per cup, pour with boiling water and let infuse for 15-20 min. You can steep them 2-3 times. Not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Can be consumed 3x per day.
El Omari et al. 2020 describe the Aleppo or Jerusalem Pine as follows:
“Ethnopharmacological relevance: Pinus halepensis Mill., is a Mediterranean medicinal plant with numerous traditional applications such as anti-scarring, antiseptic, astringent, antifungal, and anti-tuberculosis. It is used against diarrhea, wounds, rheumatism, cough, gastrointestinal illnesses, hypertension, and hemorrhoids.
Results: Ethnomedicinal studies indicated that P. halepensis Mill., is used as a protective remedy against respiratory and digestive disorders, arterial hypertension, microbial infections. These medicinal uses vary based on the part used and regions. The extracts and essential oils of P. halepensis Mill., demonstrated several biological effects including antimicrobial, antidiabetic anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antiparasitic, and hepatoprotective. Traditional uses and biological effects of P. halepensis Mill., were attributed to the numerous molecules that belong to different chemical classes such as terpenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, fatty acids and steroids, aldehydes and ketones.
Conclusions: In vitro and in vivo investigations of P. halepensis Mill., extracts and essential oils showed interesting pharmacological activities supporting the traditional use of this species. Previous reports indicated that P. halepensis Mill., extracts and their constituents exhibited potent antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, protective, anticoagulant, anti-hemolytic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Further investigation is needed to reveal the full biological spectra of P. halepensis Mill., extracts and essential oils (using in vivo models) and to validate their industrial applications as a food additive. However, in-depth studies are required to investigate the biological properties and molecular mechanisms of P. halepensis Mill., secondary metabolites in the management of diabetes mellitus and the prevention of the neurodegenerative disorders development such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Studies exploring pharmacological effects of P. halepensis Mill., bioactive components such as the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic drugs are required to validate the clinical use of these molecules. The safety of P. halepensis Mill., and its bioactive compounds should be also investigated by carrying out further pharmacokinetic and toxicological experiments.
Phytochemical and biological activities of Pinus halepensis mill,, and their ethnomedicinal use. El Omari et al. 2020.