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Author: <span>Jennifer | Panakaya</span>

panakaya naturophaty The Body

Natural Ways To Beautiful Skin

Skin problems are one of the health problems that have the potential to hurt really, really deep in the heart. If the skin is visibly inflamed we tend to feel ugly and not lovable. Our society and we ourselves often define beauty over the look of our skin. Being able to leave the house without a layer of make-up has been a dream for me since my early teenage years. It took me about 2 decades of suffering, trial and error and until I finally understood what are the real reasons for unhealthy, inflamed skin. 

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panakaya naturophaty Emotional Wellbeing

Better Relationships & More Happiness Through Self-Love

Self-love is fundamental in developing good health – both physically and mentally. How we feel is impacted by many aspects, not just our physical health, but more importantly, how we feel about ourselves. You can be in great, physically beautiful shape, but still feel ugly, lonely, and miserable.

Read more “Better Relationships & More Happiness Through Self-Love”